Chandigarh Himachal Pradesh Andaman and Nicobar Islands Uttarakhand Daman and Diu Dadra and Nagar Haveli Lakshadweep Andhra Pradesh Nagaland Karnataka Mizoram Sikkim West India Goa East India Manipur Rajasthan Arunachal Pradesh Meghalaya Jharkhand West Bengal Tamil Nadu Bihar Tripura Assam Jammu and Kashmir Pondicherry Punjab Haryana Delhi Gujarat Uttar Pradesh Maharashtra South India Madhya Pradesh North India Telangana Kerala Central India Odisha Chhattisgarh All India
Product Description
We are a trusted manufacturer and supplier of premium quality LED Movable Van in the Mumbai region. In the advertising field this has become latest fad to promote the products in an innovative way. The display in mobile van can be utilized to cover long distance throughout the promotional events. It comes with weather-proof LED display screen, which has been designed to operate day and night. Light Emitting Diode Movable Van comes with large screen fitted to a mobile van in order to reach a wide audience across the region or the entire country.
Equipped with generator and playback sources.
Usable across multiple locations throughout the event.
Weather-proof outdoor LED display for round the clock display.